Monday, September 30, 2013

Process Piece

Process Piece

Artist Statement
This was a bit overwhelming trying to figure out what I was going to do. I wanted to do something really settle so that the build is strong. I think that by confusing the audience it makes the ending even better. Kind of like Perks of Being a Wallflower, in that movie you are unaware of what is really happening right until the end. I like this idea because in some cases it keeps the audience intrigued. The whole time people are listening to my process piece they will be trying to figure out what the process is.
My process is about writing an essay. I think that a lot of students will get what it is like to do an essay and how hard it is to concentrate. After people have listened to it once, I feel like it will make people laugh and giggle a little. I know from experience, that when I sit down to write an essay, only to write essays, I have trouble even writing a sentence.  My brain becomes a big pile of mush and I have to do it in increments. I always procrastinate by eating, Facebook, texting, or even mustering up the power to go to the bathroom. That’s right, I don’t want to write essays so bad, I fake having to go to the bathroom. I also recorded the clock noise because I feel like, as a student, that we are always under pressure of getting things done in a timely manner because we have the next assignment to do. It is a hard situation to be in.
It was really fun creating something from a process that is something that I do in everyday life. I think that all these things that I recorded are the sounds of writing an essay. I stayed to true to what most college students do in the process of writing an essay.

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